In this 21st century it seems to me that people value money with something almost like an obsession. It seems that its all people care about. How do you value the things without a price? Do you even value them? I think very few people know the true meaning of value. Value is the importance, worth, or utility of something. How can you say how much you value something if it doesn’t have a price? You only know what truly is valuable to yourself.
I start by inviting some close friends over to hangout and have a fun night. This night I choose Sarah. I use my cell phone and call her. I hear the definite Sarah voice and ask her what she’s up to. She explains how she’s not busy and would love to come over and hang out. About an hour later her gold Doge car shows up in my driveway. Sarah walks up and I meet her at my front door. Her perfect smile hits me first as we say our hellos and I welcome her in. I tell her what my plan is for the night and we venture off to find my neighbors.
Once we arrive at
After a long game of running through the woods, tripping off things you can’t see in the dark, and sneakily getting to the base, we start to walk home. Sarah and I go back to my house with Austin and his friend and lay down in the driveway. The guys join us as we lay closely admiring the clear sky. We all yell out when we see a shooting star. [Most of the time joking] Although when you really see one zoom by we all make a whish. We all talk about random stuff and how much we enjoy the summer nights together. Once we’ve had enough and start to get cold we say goodbye and go through the dark summer night up the driveway to my house. These nights outside in the summer night with my friends is all about fun and freedom.
I grasp my matching mouth guard and goggles as I admire my lacrosse stick. I put on my goggle and put my mouth guard in place. I finally grab my stick with pride. I know that I look flashy when I walk on the field, everything matching to the school colors. I make my appearance with my first step on the field.
I love when it’s the time to go out shopping for new lacrosse gear. I can’t go in with a cost limit cause then you don’t get what you want. You have to go in open minded. I try and go in thinking about the quality that I want. That is how I got the lacrosse stick I own today.
For seven years now I have been playing this sport. I started in third grade learning the basics. I have upgraded my stick only two times. I own three sticks total. My old stick being used for three good years seemed to be getting pretty old and used. My shaft’s color almost rubbed off and the head looking pretty dirty. Oh and may I mention the fact that I could bend the head in half? [Which you shouldn’t be able to do] That is when my parents finally believed me and allowed me to get my new stick.
This stick was purchased at a lacrosse store in
These items are similar and different in some ways. They both keep me busy and let me have fun. I enjoy both and they both make me happy. They are done outside and with my friends. Lacrosse is during the hot days outside and manhunt/looking at the stars in during the dark breezy nights.They are full of running around and using energy.Lacrosse is more serious then manhunt/looking at the stars and it has stricter rules. There's a team that wins in lacrosse just like manhunt but you only play one game at a time.
I hope you understand the fact that you and I can value things even if they don’t have a price. America is too dependent on the priced items in the world and don't realize all the priceless items. Many go in debt because they spend too much money instead of using what they can to have a good time or just to have fun. I value my items in very different but similar ways and love them all.